At first I didn't know what it was suppose to represent, but as my group discuss about the deer, we came up that it was suppose to represent pixels. I thought that the artist was trying to show how art is in the present with digital art. I read that the spheres are called pix-cells. But the tour guide says no one knows the reason Kohei Nawa created it, because he doesn't really talk about it in an interview.
I learned about so many things during the trip. One thing I learned is the fact that there are hidden messages that could be big. One example was the pix-cell deer. another example was the piece of the Muslim temple. The art was representing life, since there was flower patter in the top and there was a lot of blue to represent water since in there wasn't a lot of water. I can use the thing I learn for my labs, or projects in Visual Design by creating a pattern like design. I can also try to create a hidden message in my design like what some of the artist's work I saw did. I really did enjoy my experience at the museum. It gave me inspiration to create a better design to future work. I also made me energetic to continue what I want to be, which is hopefully a Web Designer. I also enjoy the experience at the museum, because I get to look at art with my classmates and friends. My favorite part on the whole trip was looking around at the Egyptian art. They look really nice and exquisite. My least favorite part of the trip is the fact we walked into so many rooms and not get a chance to get a shot of it. I wanted to get a good picture of some other art, but we went pass it.
I would like to go to the museum again, because I would like to visit the sculptures and paintings I didn't get the chance to get a picture of. Also it would be nice to hang out with friends or my family to the museum. the map that was printed and the map that was in the website are different. The one in the website contain more floors that can be explored like the fourth and the fifth. While the map that was printed has the 1st through 3rd floor.