Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lab #7

In this lab, we have to use the liquefied tool to distort the image that was chosen. I chose my face because of the funny effects. To do this, first you get an image and put a filter layer. The layer will change the looks of the image. The layers that I chose is Stained Glass, Mosaic Tiles, Water Paper, Sponge and Film Grain. These images won’t get disported and only be changed with a filter. The image of the size must be the same so there is equal spacing. Also the image must be landscape or the image would be stretched. Then I get the image of my face and start liquefying it.

There are different options on liquefying the image. One of the options that I used is the expanding tool. I used it on my eyes to make it huge. I gives out a funny effect. Then I use another tools that can move around a part of the image that is selected. I disported my fingers and my chin. Then I have to but a layer in the background. I first copy the background, rasterize it and put the cloud effect on it. I wanted to put a different color on the background, but the yellow color looks good on the lab. This is relevant to Web Design, because it lets us try out the tools to change photos to be better for websites. I see using these skills in the future when I have to change a photo to be better. That's all I did in this lab.

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