Thursday, December 29, 2016

Project #3

In Project #3, we had to get a damaged photo and restore it to the way it was when it was taken. I didn't have a damaged photo, so I had to get the one that was provided. I first started fixing the background by using the content aware tool. It removed the white stain on the background. I then used the healing brush tool to get a sample of the non-damaged spot of the background to fill in the rest of the damaged background. Then I used the spot healing brush tool to smooth it out. After I finished the background, I started to remove the spots on the twins. For me, fixing the girl on the left was very difficult, because her face was disfigured.
To remove the spots I used the content aware tool, but when I did that, the skin didn’t look sharp. I had to use the clone stamp tool to get the right skin tone. The girl on the right was easier to edit than the girl on the left. Her left eye was barely seen and it was impossible to edit. So I had no choice but to duplicate the right eye to replace it for the left eye of the girl on the left. Next, I started to fix the skin of the twins, and it was pretty hard. After I was done, I stared to fix the hair. I used the patch tool for some parts of the hair. I was done with the project at the last minute. I could’ve done better if I had more time. These skills could help me in the future as a Web Designer by editing photos for a name brand company.

Monday, December 19, 2016

WBL Workshop #3

In this workshop, I learned many things and took down notes since I wasn't able to participate in the second one. Here are the stuff that I took down. As a worker, you have right to stuff like the right to have a fair and full day job. You also have the right for a safe work place and equal opportunity. There are some dangers when working like having an injury. There are over 200,000 young workers that got injured while working. 1 teen dies every 5 days because of working. This is why we need to be cautious when working. I also learned that is you are under 18, you can't drive a car, slice bread and meat in a machine, use power tools and work on a roof. There are more, but these are the important ones.

When you are 14-15, you cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day and more than 8 hours in other days. Workers that stay in school actually earn more money than students with just a high school degree. College students that work gain 70% more than high school students. There are worker compensation when things gone badly. All of the medical expenses will be paid by the employer if the employee got injured in the job. The OSHA or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an organization that gives workers’ rights. For example, workers have the rights to refuse work if they fell that the environment is unsafe. Labor unions are also another group that protect the rights of workers like the OSHA. This is what I learned in the 3rd workshop.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lab #8

In this lab, we have to use the editing tools to remove the part that we were instructed. There are 4 different images that we have to edit. The first one is the statue image. In the original image, there was a rip in the corner and there was 2 sprinkler in the back. What I did was use the healing brush tool to get a sample of the grass and replace the torn part with the grass. I had to do it slowly, because then the torn part would return. Then I use the healing brush tool to get a sample of the dark grass and cover the sprinkler. The second photo was the rock climbing photo. We had to remove the graffiti and the bullet holes on the rock. I use the content aware tool to remove the graffiti and the cracks of the rock. Then I try to make the rock look like the same color.

The third image is the man. The objective of the image was to remove the wrinkles on his face. What I did was use the healing brush tool to smooth out the skin in the guy's forehead. Then I use the content-aware tool to remove the wrinkles on the cheeks. There were also some wrinkles on the eyes, so I removed those too. The fourth image is the window image. The frame around the image must have a different color and one side of the image must be different from the other side. For example, the left side of the window has to be blurry, while the other side has to be the opposite. The final image is my name, Visual Design, Lab #8 and the date. The background must be custom and the font must not be the default. This lab can help me in the future by fixing images that are damaged or making the quality of it better. This applies to web design to help people with broken images.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lab #7

In this lab, we have to use the liquefied tool to distort the image that was chosen. I chose my face because of the funny effects. To do this, first you get an image and put a filter layer. The layer will change the looks of the image. The layers that I chose is Stained Glass, Mosaic Tiles, Water Paper, Sponge and Film Grain. These images won’t get disported and only be changed with a filter. The image of the size must be the same so there is equal spacing. Also the image must be landscape or the image would be stretched. Then I get the image of my face and start liquefying it.

There are different options on liquefying the image. One of the options that I used is the expanding tool. I used it on my eyes to make it huge. I gives out a funny effect. Then I use another tools that can move around a part of the image that is selected. I disported my fingers and my chin. Then I have to but a layer in the background. I first copy the background, rasterize it and put the cloud effect on it. I wanted to put a different color on the background, but the yellow color looks good on the lab. This is relevant to Web Design, because it lets us try out the tools to change photos to be better for websites. I see using these skills in the future when I have to change a photo to be better. That's all I did in this lab.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Improvement on Lab #5 and #6

There are improvements that can be made in Lab #5 and #6. One of the improvement is to cover up the spots that are white. Also another improvement on lab #6 is to put more effort into it, because to me, some parts like the road is incomplete. I would like to improve it. If I were to mix both Lab #5 and Lab #6, I would think that the painting would look better. for example, I would fix the blanket of the drawing to make it more neat. It was hard to select it, so the vector shapes might help. also some small improvements can be made in the drawing.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Lab #5 vs Lab #6

In these two labs, I had to use the drawing I created in 10 min and color it in Photoshop. In Lab #5, I had to use the paint brush tool and in Lab #6 I had to use the vector shapes only. For the 5th lab, I use many type of brushes to bring out the texture of the drawing. For example, I use one type of brush to show how rocky the mountains are in my drawing. I also mixed the grass texture brush with the other grass brush so the grass can look different and not similar. the only problem with the drawing is that I can still see hints of white on the grass, which I should of fix. On the 6th lab, I only used vector shapes, which was a struggle. For example, I was having trouble with the blanket and the mountain. I had to make them simple because the mountain in the original one was too detailed. I also used the custom shape tool for only the grass.
If I were to choose which one was better, I would definitely have to say Lab #5. The reasons why is because its very easy to do. For example, you just select what do you want colored and apply the color with a type of brush. But with the vector shapes, you have to sort of change the drawing and make it so simple. Also as I said before, I was struggling trying to fit the shapes into the drawing. The 5th lab is also better, because you have a variety or different brushes to use to bring texture to the drawing. The 6th lab also has the feature, but its not the ones I would really need for my drawing. Overall, I prefer Lab#5 than Lab #6 because its simpler and not complicated 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Project #2 Collage and Lettering

In this project, I decided to make a collage and lettering background on Michael Jackson, "The King Of Pop". The reason on why I chose him is because my family has known him and appreciate his works, so I thought of making a collage of him. So what I did first was did a quick selection of him and inverse the selection. I then made a mask of the selection. I then get 9 images that defies him and fit them into the collage. Not all of them were able to fit, but I guess its fine. So I changed the shape of the pictures, but keeping the aspect ratio by holding Shift. After that, I labeled the images name so I can know which is which and if I want to put one on top of another, I can change the order of the layers and not get confused. After that, I was done with the collage and prepare for the lettering.

I started putting each one into groups so I don't mix each one up. so I get the 4 word message that represent Michael Jackson, which is "The King of Pop" and made a selection of him so the wording can trace around him. I had to change the font and size of it, because the words would crush each other and it doesn't look good. The best I can see when changing the word is in the final pictures below. then I chose the background blue, because the other colors seemed bright to me, so I chose a dark blue. Then finally I made a folder for that so there are 2 folders for each part of the project. This project was pretty cool and funny to see the others. I would use these skills as a web designer for creating profile pictures with this style of art. I would like to make more of these with other people in the future.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Project #1: Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. If I had the chance to buy one of Andy Warhol’s pop art, then I would, because his art is very colorful and expresses a message. This type of art reminds me that there are different views for the same concept. For me, pop art is pleasant, because it has a nice coloring and feels peaceful. Critics in popular culture would not understand the full message that the author is saying. Informed opinion is making an opinion using information that is provided, while uninformed opinion is an opinion without any information. The difference between taste and bias is that taste is the ability to recognize and appreciate what is beautiful, excellent, or appropriate. Bias is a preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment. Warhol’s portraits are the same as other’s art by the concept of it like a portrait of someone. Whats different from most of the art is the simplicity of it. Warhol uses simple color for his art. Portraits are important to us, because it opens your imagination and its part of your memories. Making a Warhol portrait of myself feels fun. I would like to make more of this with other people. I created mine by selecting me using the quick selection tool. Then I desaturate the selection and use the filtering gallery. I put uncut and have to change the volume of the face until I feel it looks good. Then I cut out the 4 backgrounds with different colors and then duplicate my face to 4. I put them into 4 groups to keep them organized and then did a selection for all 4 faces, put a mask and added the color. Then I changed the opacity so it transitions. I can see myself doing this in the future if I were to do art or create a website about Andy Warhol.

Lab #4

In this lab, I have to use the images from my hike to show the different types of images I took. There are five different type of photos that I have to take, which are: Low-Point View, High-Point View, Eye-Level View, Close-Up View and Landscape. I have taken many different photos with these types and choose the best ones. The best one for Low point is the flag poles photo. The best one for the High Point is me and my sister standing on a rock. The best photo for the Eye Level is my eye Level on the statue of George Washington. The best photo for the landscape one is the U.S. Open Stadium with the trees in the background. The best photo I got for Close-Up is the tree branch close up.
What i did first was import the pictures from the camera i borrowed into the computer. Next I put the top 5 photos into the lab and label it. I did free transformation on all 5 of the photo, but did not change the aspect ratio by holding Shift while dragging the photo. This will make the photo not look stretched out. Next I made the photo into organized orders and made the spacing almost the same. Next i labeled each one of the pictures with an orange text. Finally i labeled my name, Lab #4 and the date. This skill can be used into the future to become a photographer as an professional job. This can also be used as a skill as a web designer by creating a background photo in the website.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lab #3

In this lab, the objective was to use the image of the car to create 4 different one and make each one unique. I have to use each of these setting for each car: Hue, Saturation, Replace Color and Black & White. To do the lab, you first change the image size of the car to 250 width and 186 height. Next you move the modified image to the white background. Next you duplicate the car image 4 times so there are 5 cars. Then you move the original car to the upper right corner and make the 4 duplicate cars connect diagonally. Then you start modifying the cars.
The first car, which is the one on the upper left, needs to be black & white. What I did was go to the Black & White setting and lower the red for the car so it look like a black car. The next car needs to be saturated. So what I did was go to Hue/Saturation and lower the saturation to look like it has green windows. The next car needs to have a different color instead of red. So what I did was go to Replace Color, select the color red and change the color to orange. The final car needs to be a different Hue. So I went to Hue, increase the Hue and accept the changes. The last thing I did was label the cars and put my name, Lab 3 and date. What I learned is ways to change an image's color. If I were to use these skills in the future, it would be modifying it to fix the image.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Difference between 72 Resolution and 300 Resolution

Difference Between 72 Resolution and 300 Resolution

There is a major difference between a picture with 72 resolution and 300 resolution. The first major difference is the quality of the picture. The first picture, which is 300 resolution looks HD and has a lot of pixels. This means that the picture must be big in scale. But in the picture with 72 resolution, the pixels is pretty obvious to see. That means the photo must be a small one. Because of the resolution, that mean the pixels in the length and width is different. I can also tell from the 2 pictures that one with 300 resolution need more different mixtures of color when printing than the other. The reason why is because there is more pixels to print for the picture with 300 resolution, but with the picture with 72 resolution, printing is simple since the pixel are big and its not complicated. This is the difference between the 2 pictures, one with 72 resolution and one with 300 resolution.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lab #2

In Lab #2, We have to select the dog, make duplicates of it and make each one unique and different to the original one. The tools that I use in the lab is the quick selection tool, the quick mask tools and all of the appearance tabs in the Image tab. What I did first was use the quick selection tool to make a simple selection of the dog. Then I put the Quick Mask Selection to know what is selected and what isn't. The red shade means it isn't selected, and what is in its original color is being selected. Next I have to use the Brush tool to select carefully what is blue to remove the sky. After I carefully did that, I duplicated the selection via Copy.

Next I get the copy and Press Command + T to do Free Transformation. This allows me to Rotate it and change the size of the copy. I made the dog small and made 8 copies of it so each one can be unique. I then made eachdog unique by clicking on Images, then Adjustments. For example, I increase the Hue on one of the dog. Once I made each one different from the original one, I put my name, the date and Lab #2. What I learned in the project is the easier way to select from an image. This can be used in the future of a web designer by showing people an example of photoshoping.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Melon Head Lab

In the melon head lab, we have to use a variety of tools to use in the lab. The first tool is the Move Tool. You can use the tool to drag a thing that is selected to a different place. If you hold Options while having the Move Tool, it duplicates the items. The next set of tools are the Marquee tools. You use these tools to select on an image and you then have options to use the part you selected. The next set of tools are the Lasso Tools it selects what u wants and duplicates it into a laver, or cuts it. The last tools are the Magic Wands. It is another way to select the image you want to select.
In my melon head lab, what I did was try to recreate myself by using the fruits. I first created the eyes with the carrots and blueberry. Next I use the pear tomato for the nose. Then I decide to use the kiwi for the freckles and the melon slice for the ears. I cut part of the melon slice to create the mouth and eye brows. I then use the macaroni for the hair and the bow tie. I also use the radishes for the hair. I then use the mushroom for the neck and I was done with my face. I next created a car, which the carrots was the wheel, the mushroom was the body of the car and the melon with the blueberry is the door. These skills can be used in the future by shaping other things in a website to fulfill as a web designer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What is JPG, PNG, GIF, RAW and TIF?

JPG: Its a file that contains JPEG photos. JPEG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.
PNG: or Portable Network Graphic, is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compressions. it is the most used lossless image compression format on the internet.
PNG transparency demonstration 1.png
GIF: or Graphic Interchange Format is a bitmap image format that changes the photos to make an animation. It was created in 1987 by Steve Wilhite.
Rotating earth (large).gif

RAW: are files that are not processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphic editor.

Image result for Raw vs JPEG Photography
TIF: a computer file format for storing raster graphics images. It was created by Aldus Corporation for use in desktop publishing.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

What is the difference between Windows And Mac?

The Mac and Windows have very similar things like applications and more, but there are things that Mac have that Windows doesn't.

The Mac have a few command that Windows doesn't. For example, Mac have the command (command + Q) which quits the application that is running. There is also another command that can logoff the whole computer (command + shift + Q). Mac also have fewer viruses than Windows. Windows, in the other hand have more software than Mac. Also Windows have a better gaming experience than Mac. Whatever the difference is, they are both really good for working on projects. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



You might be wondering, who am I? Well I will tell you. My name is Matthew Murillo and I am from Visual Design. My birthday is February 6, 2001 and I like to do many thing. My favorite activity is playing video games and I also study for classes. My favorite sport is Football and Soccer, but I barely play them. I have a brother and a twin sister. My family just recently came back from Sarasota, FL and what a blast I have. I have so many things that i would like to tell u, but I probably can't. One more thing about me, I can get really confused on certain stuff, and I can't type really fast.
You might be asking now, "Why am I here?" Well, here is my answer: I am here to learn to be successful in the future. I want to become many things in the future, but what i am most interested in is technology. I want to create thing that will get liked my many people. I want to be as creative as I can, and I will work as hard as i can to achieve this goal. My goal is to basically become a web designer, creating Photoshop images and to probably work with my sister on it, since she also want to learn to Photoshop. This is what I believe my future will be, or probably will turn around.

I joined Web Design to learn that skill for the future. My parents want me to be successful in life and I promise them. I am really hoping that my parents will be proud of me. I am here to experience new things and to interact with people. I know that most of my friends are also at Visual Design and I want to know more about them and work together. I also join here, because my main goal is to get the best diploma. When I realized, the CTE diploma is better than the advanced regent diploma, I wanted to join Web Design. So that's it about me, and ill keep posting on stuff