Monday, October 31, 2016

Project #1: Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. If I had the chance to buy one of Andy Warhol’s pop art, then I would, because his art is very colorful and expresses a message. This type of art reminds me that there are different views for the same concept. For me, pop art is pleasant, because it has a nice coloring and feels peaceful. Critics in popular culture would not understand the full message that the author is saying. Informed opinion is making an opinion using information that is provided, while uninformed opinion is an opinion without any information. The difference between taste and bias is that taste is the ability to recognize and appreciate what is beautiful, excellent, or appropriate. Bias is a preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment. Warhol’s portraits are the same as other’s art by the concept of it like a portrait of someone. Whats different from most of the art is the simplicity of it. Warhol uses simple color for his art. Portraits are important to us, because it opens your imagination and its part of your memories. Making a Warhol portrait of myself feels fun. I would like to make more of this with other people. I created mine by selecting me using the quick selection tool. Then I desaturate the selection and use the filtering gallery. I put uncut and have to change the volume of the face until I feel it looks good. Then I cut out the 4 backgrounds with different colors and then duplicate my face to 4. I put them into 4 groups to keep them organized and then did a selection for all 4 faces, put a mask and added the color. Then I changed the opacity so it transitions. I can see myself doing this in the future if I were to do art or create a website about Andy Warhol.

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