Monday, November 28, 2016

Lab #5 vs Lab #6

In these two labs, I had to use the drawing I created in 10 min and color it in Photoshop. In Lab #5, I had to use the paint brush tool and in Lab #6 I had to use the vector shapes only. For the 5th lab, I use many type of brushes to bring out the texture of the drawing. For example, I use one type of brush to show how rocky the mountains are in my drawing. I also mixed the grass texture brush with the other grass brush so the grass can look different and not similar. the only problem with the drawing is that I can still see hints of white on the grass, which I should of fix. On the 6th lab, I only used vector shapes, which was a struggle. For example, I was having trouble with the blanket and the mountain. I had to make them simple because the mountain in the original one was too detailed. I also used the custom shape tool for only the grass.
If I were to choose which one was better, I would definitely have to say Lab #5. The reasons why is because its very easy to do. For example, you just select what do you want colored and apply the color with a type of brush. But with the vector shapes, you have to sort of change the drawing and make it so simple. Also as I said before, I was struggling trying to fit the shapes into the drawing. The 5th lab is also better, because you have a variety or different brushes to use to bring texture to the drawing. The 6th lab also has the feature, but its not the ones I would really need for my drawing. Overall, I prefer Lab#5 than Lab #6 because its simpler and not complicated 

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