Thursday, November 17, 2016

Project #2 Collage and Lettering

In this project, I decided to make a collage and lettering background on Michael Jackson, "The King Of Pop". The reason on why I chose him is because my family has known him and appreciate his works, so I thought of making a collage of him. So what I did first was did a quick selection of him and inverse the selection. I then made a mask of the selection. I then get 9 images that defies him and fit them into the collage. Not all of them were able to fit, but I guess its fine. So I changed the shape of the pictures, but keeping the aspect ratio by holding Shift. After that, I labeled the images name so I can know which is which and if I want to put one on top of another, I can change the order of the layers and not get confused. After that, I was done with the collage and prepare for the lettering.

I started putting each one into groups so I don't mix each one up. so I get the 4 word message that represent Michael Jackson, which is "The King of Pop" and made a selection of him so the wording can trace around him. I had to change the font and size of it, because the words would crush each other and it doesn't look good. The best I can see when changing the word is in the final pictures below. then I chose the background blue, because the other colors seemed bright to me, so I chose a dark blue. Then finally I made a folder for that so there are 2 folders for each part of the project. This project was pretty cool and funny to see the others. I would use these skills as a web designer for creating profile pictures with this style of art. I would like to make more of these with other people in the future.

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