Monday, April 3, 2017

Yearbook Presentation

As part of the yearbook project, we have to prepare a presentation. In my group, we had to discuss on our topic, our roles, our disadvantages and advantages. Also in the presentation the class is suppose to give us advice to fix the problem and/or give reviews on the overall on the project. There are parts of a yearbook that we are suppose to use in our yearbook. One is the gutter, which is the fold in a spread. When printing and folding, there should be enough space so when putting the yearbook together wont be messed up. For example, one side of the spread has more empty space than the other side of the spread. Another vocabulary word that I have learned is byline. A byline is where you place the person that get the photo or information. In our project, we were not suppose to use images online, but if we were to use them, the credit of the images should be small and close to the image. Usually there would be a caption that goes with the byline, so there is little info on the image.

So in our presentation, we basically state the most important thing in our projects and our troubles. When our presentation ended, we have some reviews from other groups. One said in order to solve our time management issue, we have to create a schedule in order to know what to do. Another opinion was to do a meeting every 20 minutes. Some of the ideas my classmates shared I agree with, but some I didn't. So then I listened to two other group's presentation and I personally think that their presentation was more elaborate than ours. So I heard some discuss on the lessons that Mrs. Ramirez taught us in a yearbook. Overall, this is what we did on 4-3-17, our yearbook presentation.

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