Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lab #3

In this lab, the objective was to use the image of the car to create 4 different one and make each one unique. I have to use each of these setting for each car: Hue, Saturation, Replace Color and Black & White. To do the lab, you first change the image size of the car to 250 width and 186 height. Next you move the modified image to the white background. Next you duplicate the car image 4 times so there are 5 cars. Then you move the original car to the upper right corner and make the 4 duplicate cars connect diagonally. Then you start modifying the cars.
The first car, which is the one on the upper left, needs to be black & white. What I did was go to the Black & White setting and lower the red for the car so it look like a black car. The next car needs to be saturated. So what I did was go to Hue/Saturation and lower the saturation to look like it has green windows. The next car needs to have a different color instead of red. So what I did was go to Replace Color, select the color red and change the color to orange. The final car needs to be a different Hue. So I went to Hue, increase the Hue and accept the changes. The last thing I did was label the cars and put my name, Lab 3 and date. What I learned is ways to change an image's color. If I were to use these skills in the future, it would be modifying it to fix the image.

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