Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Melon Head Lab

In the melon head lab, we have to use a variety of tools to use in the lab. The first tool is the Move Tool. You can use the tool to drag a thing that is selected to a different place. If you hold Options while having the Move Tool, it duplicates the items. The next set of tools are the Marquee tools. You use these tools to select on an image and you then have options to use the part you selected. The next set of tools are the Lasso Tools it selects what u wants and duplicates it into a laver, or cuts it. The last tools are the Magic Wands. It is another way to select the image you want to select.
In my melon head lab, what I did was try to recreate myself by using the fruits. I first created the eyes with the carrots and blueberry. Next I use the pear tomato for the nose. Then I decide to use the kiwi for the freckles and the melon slice for the ears. I cut part of the melon slice to create the mouth and eye brows. I then use the macaroni for the hair and the bow tie. I also use the radishes for the hair. I then use the mushroom for the neck and I was done with my face. I next created a car, which the carrots was the wheel, the mushroom was the body of the car and the melon with the blueberry is the door. These skills can be used in the future by shaping other things in a website to fulfill as a web designer.

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