Monday, October 31, 2016

Lab #4

In this lab, I have to use the images from my hike to show the different types of images I took. There are five different type of photos that I have to take, which are: Low-Point View, High-Point View, Eye-Level View, Close-Up View and Landscape. I have taken many different photos with these types and choose the best ones. The best one for Low point is the flag poles photo. The best one for the High Point is me and my sister standing on a rock. The best photo for the Eye Level is my eye Level on the statue of George Washington. The best photo for the landscape one is the U.S. Open Stadium with the trees in the background. The best photo I got for Close-Up is the tree branch close up.
What i did first was import the pictures from the camera i borrowed into the computer. Next I put the top 5 photos into the lab and label it. I did free transformation on all 5 of the photo, but did not change the aspect ratio by holding Shift while dragging the photo. This will make the photo not look stretched out. Next I made the photo into organized orders and made the spacing almost the same. Next i labeled each one of the pictures with an orange text. Finally i labeled my name, Lab #4 and the date. This skill can be used into the future to become a photographer as an professional job. This can also be used as a skill as a web designer by creating a background photo in the website.

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