Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Project #5 Brochure PART 2

To continue with our project, we now have to animate the brochure if the brochure were to be distributed online. In order to make an animation, you fist have to select the box that you want to animate. Next you click on Windows in the Menu bar, Interface and Animations. There are a lot of transitions to choose from. For the image on the third page I chose a shaking animation and it is in a loop to probably attract the readers and to show this subject is important. Then I chose a fade in transition for the first and sixth image. In the second image, there is also a fade in animation and in the 4th and 5th page, there is a dancing-like motion. the reason why I did that was to attract the readers. Then I added a hyperlink to my name so if anyone want to know about me, it goes to my blog and people can read on it.
Now that I was done with the animations on the picture, I wanted to add the page transition in the brochure. To do that you go to Windows, then Interface and then Page Transition. There were many different page transitions to choose from, but I decided to choose the page flip, because it looks cool. After I applied it, I would have to export the file into two different files. The two different file are SFW and PDF (Interactive). These skills can be use to create brochure online for companies for people online. It is also helpful in attracting consumer. These skills can help me as a Web Designer by creating projects that people could interact with.

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