Monday, March 20, 2017

Work Based Learning # 5

In this WBL workshop, we were learning how to create a resume for an internship that will be used in the future. So the first thing that a resume should have is your name, address, cellular phone number and your PROFESSIONAL email. Do not create a email that doesn't include your name. A professional email should only contain your first and last name. In the bottom of your contact information should be your summary. It should include any information about you like being trustworthy or good in teams. This will make the employers learn more about you and what are you best at. Then the resume should include a skill section. the skills sections should include any skills that you have done and know for a couple of months. For example, in Visual Design, I have skills on working on Photoshop, InDesign etc. These skills need to be relevant to the job that you are applying to. The job or internship you plan to apply for probably want a certain skill to get the job.

The next thing that a resume should include is volunteer work or any service experience. This can be anything that you did to help the community by helping the elderly people or cleaning the park, but it must be certified by someone. if you just simply state that you did community work and its not certified, the employer might think that you are lying and it can cost you the JOB. Then you should include in the resume your education and/or training. It should have your education, your expected graduation year and any other certification you got in your life. You might also want to include achievements that you have gotten. Finally you go check for any grammatical error, because you want to make the least amount of errors in your resume. this is all of the component to create a resume and it will definitely be asked for in an interview

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